I'm drawing and doing weird stuff


Tummy hurty

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Feeling bad

Posted by NurmGuts - 1 month ago

Idk, I'm just feeling kind of bad rn.

I'm not sure if I'll be posting anything these days at all..not like I've been doing it anyways.

I'm just so damn lost and sad right now, most of the people that I thought were my friends/mutuals turned out to be lying n manipulative assholes that are trying to use my past as a way to get rid of me, even tho I apologized a long time ago and even forgot about most of the dumb things that I've done.

I just hope that none of you will immediatly abandon my shit just because some yapper said "blah blah 5 years ago he said that some random person had a bigass forehead, now hate him"



You talking about the stuff that happened on twitter right? Wanna talk about it? I’m not angry just confused

You got discord or sumth?

@NurmGuts nah but you can dm me


Yo, I know we've haven't talked in ages because of my break in stuff but I'm really worried man, my discord isn't working but you can talk to me through twt or NG, I really care for you man even if it doesn't seem like it and i would really like to help you with this, i love you dawg real shit, hit me up when you can

I'm sorry if it looked like as if I was being mad at you or something.
Just some own dumb personal issues. Althought I'm really happy to hear that from you.
I'll make sure to dm you once I'll have a chance to do so :3

@NurmGuts nah man don't worry about that fr, im just worried more about you. I apologize for randomly disappearing again - that wasn't cool of me and I promise to not do that again FOR REAL this time. Take your time man, you're my homie dawg <3

hope you get better soon mate!

Thx, i hope so :c

Hey man, everything will be ok we certainly wouldn't ditch you all because of something from 5 years ago. People are just like that they know what they are doing nor do they even care about it so I suggest, you just block the person and carry on with life. It is the better option then having to relive bad memories all over again. And Don't beat yourself up about it, you apologized and that's it.

Thanks man, good to see that somebody is actually able to say something helpful and not another meme slop.
I appreciate it :]

Here in NG there is a guy that creates different accounts and starts texting me a lot, then he gets very upset, he lets me know what I'm the worst of the worst for not answering immediately to his messages and then proceeds to delete the account.

Well that sucks,you should probably just ignore him

unfortunately things like that happens, some people change a lot, some never change, some will always be for real, some won't. A betrayal hurts cuz it always comes from friends and people you like. But world is full of people, full of opportunity, full of people to meet, let the past just be the past and look front, to the future

Nah fuck em lol
But thx for cheering me up :-)